This blessed old book that I hold in my hand,
It's true from beginning to end.
It's the solid foundation where I firmly stand,
Sin kept me from it, now it keeps me from sin.
It's a well of pure water when I'm thirsty and dry,
Bread when I'm hungry and worn.
When the battle is raging, it's my faithful sword,
My shelter from life's troubled storm.
It's a light to my pathway and a lamp to my feet,
When the world gets so dark you can't see.
And I've not made a change in one word that it says, But it's sure made a change in me.
When I think what it cost just to hold in my hand,
It reminds me that I owe a great debt,
To all of the martyrs who'd gone to the stake,
And quote it with their dying breath.
Well its critics are many and believers are few,
But there's one thing I've found to be true.
If you find when you read it that there's something wrong,
Then there's something wrong with you.
This blessed old book that I hold in my hand,
It's true from beginning to end.
It's the solid foundation where I firmly stand, Sin kept me from it, now it keeps me from sin.