Our Scripture reading today is Exodus 4:2, "And the LORD said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod."
God did not expect Moses to go and find something in order for him to be the leader of His people, Israel.  Moses already had in his possession what God would use as a symbol of His power and leading.  It was a seemingly insignificant piece of wood.  God does not need what we do not have.  He is is asking us to surrender what seems insignificant to us and then He will show how significant He is!  
God likes to use what is in our hand.
* God used what was in Shamgar’s hand (Judges 3:31).
* God used what was in David’s hand (1 Samuel 17:49).
* God used the jawbone of a donkey in Samson’s hand (Judges 15:15).
* God used five loaves and two fish in the hand of a little boy (John 6:9).