Our Scripture reading today is 1 Timothy 4:14-16.
Verse 16, "...take heed...and continue"
The Apostle Paul is the human penman of 1 and 2 Timothy.  It is an epistle written to Timothy with much application for us today.  Simply consider these two challenges: "take heed" and "continue".  The Apostle Paul is challenging Timothy to hold onto, to pay attention to what he is being taught and then to faithfully live it.  This same challenge is needed in my life and yours.  What is God teaching me through His Word?  In order for God to teach us through His Word, we must be reading His Word.  We learn more and more about God and His ways by reading and meditating on His Word.  Then comes the continuing.  God helping us, we can apply what we are learning into our daily lives.  This applying is a lifetime journey.  To God be the glory, we have His help all along the way. Read Hebrews 13:5.
Have a wonderful Saturday!