Our Scripture reading today is Matthew 5:6, "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled."
Can you remember a time when you were really hungry?  How about when you were really thirsty?  What would it look like if we had the same desire for living righteously as we do for food and water?  This beatitude reminds us that those who don't hunger and thirst after righteousness will be empty.  God desires to fill us up with His blessings.  God always blesses our obedience.  
“He hungers and thirsts after righteousness. He does not hunger and thirst that his own political party may get into power, but he does hunger and thirst that righteousness may be done in the land. He does not hunger and thirst that his own opinions may come to the front, and that his own sect or denomination may increase in numbers and influence, but he does desire that righteousness may come to the fore.” (Spurgeon)