Our Scripture reading today is James 1:2, "My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;"
This is a very challenging verse to read and live.  Notice it does not say "if" temptations come, but it does say "when" they come.  The word, "temptations", refers to a time of testing or trial in ones life.  We know these times of life are coming and then we are to go through them with joy.  I have recently been re-introduced to the ministry of Joni Erickson Tada.  When Joni was a teenager she was injured when diving into a body of water.  She has been wheel chair bound ever since that time.  This is only part of what she has endured in her life and yet she most definitely has the joy of the LORD.  She has a ministry that reaches around the world that has seen countless numbers of people saved who have experienced similar trials.  Joni is a modern day example of James 1:2.
Let God use your "temptation" to bring Him glory!