Our Scripture reading today is 1 Samuel 17:48, "And it came to pass, when the Philistine arose, and came and drew nigh to meet David, that David hasted, and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine."
A young man who is possibly still in his teen years is charging a skilled soldier.  This soldier happens to be nine feet tall!  Goliath has his full armour on, a huge sword, and another soldier in front of him.  David has no armour, a sling with five stones, and the power of GOD!  What faith it must have taken for this young man to run toward Goliath and not away from Goliath.  David had seen God work in his life before and he had confidence that God would be with him.  
As a born again believer, God is with you this morning!  You need not fear the giant that is in front of you.  By the power and grace of God, it is possible for you to run toward the difficulty and see God work another miracle in your life.  He is not through with you!