Our Scripture reading today is 1 Corinthians 10:12-13.
Verse 12, "Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall."
A warning is giving to the Corinthian believers as well as each of us today.  We need to guard against feeling as if nothing or no one can knock us over.  The Apostle Paul is of course writing in a spiritual sense.  Our enemy will attack us and it usually comes with a level of surprise.  He knows exactly what it takes in each of our lives.
We can rejoice in that God has prepared us for such attacks.  His Spirit lives within each of us and desires to lead us to victory every time temptation comes.  Preparations can be made by daily reading and meditating on His Word as well as asking for the filling of His Spirit.  “The highest saint under heaven can stand no longer than he depends upon God and continues in the obedience of faith. He that ceases to do so will fall into sin, and get a darkened understanding and a hardened heart.” (Clarke)