Our Scripture reading today is Mark 16:15, "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."
The last challenge given by the Lord Jesus still applies to all born again believers today. We are take the commission to deliver the Gospel very seriously.  It is not an option to be considered.  It is a command that we are to willingly obey.  A question we should ask ourselves is, "Who knows about the Gospel because of me?"  You cannot save anyone, but you can and should be introducing people to Jesus Christ.  He is willing to give salvation to all men. 
“An army chaplain once said to the Duke of Wellington, ‘Do you think that it is of any use our taking the gospel to the hill tribes in India? Will they ever receive it?’ The duke replied, ‘What are your marching orders?’ That was the only answer he gave. Stern disciplinarian as that great soldier was, he only wanted marching orders, and he obeyed; and he meant that every soldier of the cross must obey the marching orders of Christ, his great Commander.” (Spurgeon)