Our Scripture reading today is Luke 24:10-12.
Verse 11, "And their words seemed to them as idle tales, and they believed them not."
How could the disciples not believe what these faithful women were telling them? Were they really that skeptical to think they would make up a story like this? The words, "idle tales", refer to someone who is babbling on like an insane person. These ladies were deemed to be crazy for saying that the tomb was empty and that Jesus was alive.
As we consider this text in light of today's skeptics, it should shed some light on why so many people consider the message of the Gospel to be a nice fictional story or even some delusional ferry tale. These were Jesus Christ disciples who did not believe what they were being told. We are in good company when someone thinks we are crazy to actually believe what the Word of God says about Jesus Christ being alive! Keep telling the Good News!