Our Scripture reading today is Luke 24:4-5.
Verse 5, "And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead?"
The angelic men who were at the empty tomb knew Jesus was alive! Angels announced His birth and now angels are announcing His resurrection. They were there to ask a question that would hopefully bring some comfort to the mourners. Possibly the question would bring to remembrance how Jesus said He would raise up His temple. Jesus did not need the spices they brought with them to the tomb. There was no body in the tomb because Jesus was alive.
Our living Saviour not only provides us with an eternal home, but He also provides us with daily victory over sin. The power of the resurrection is available to every child of God. This power allows us to live day to day in freedom. We are no longer slaves to sin because our Saviour is alive! His resurrection made it possible for us to be more than conquerors. Claim the victory today that is already yours!