Today’s Scripture reading is Acts 20:29-32.
Verse 32, "I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace..."
It is by God's grace that sinners like you and me have any hope of eternal of life.  It is also by God's grace that sinners like you and me have any hope of being more like Jesus Christ.  For the last two Sundays we have been teaching on the subject of Sanctification.  God willing, we will continue the series this coming Sunday.  (Week 1 -; Week 2 -
As followers of Jesus Christ, there will be a desire to be obedient to His Word.  There is a battle to be won most every day and possibly multiple times a day.  God's grace is what enables us to win those battles and to grow spiritually.  His grace has been freely given to all who believe.  Praise the Lord!