Our Scripture reading today is Luke 22:14-16.
Verse 14, "And when the hour was come, he sat down, and the twelve apostles with him."
Jesus Christ and His disciples are about to take place in what some refer to as the Last Supper.  They will not meet together like this again.  This morning, I kept reading verse 14 over and over.  My heart was encouraged by the opening phrase, "And when the hour was come..."
The timing of this meeting was taking place exactly when God ordained it.  God's perfect timing was not reserved only for those who lived during the time of Jesus earthly ministry.  What is happening in our lives today was filtered through the loving hands of God and it is taking place now because the hour is come.  The hour has come for a raise at work.  The hour has come for a trial of our faith.  The hour has come for repentance and revival.  What hour has come in your life?  We can trust God with each and every day of our lives.