Our Scripture reading today is Mark 16:15, "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."
This is the last time Jesus would speak to His disciples.  He challenged them to deliver the gospel to everyone they possibly could.  I am so thankful they obeyed Jesus words.  The gospel would eventually come to me because these individuals and many others down through time obeyed these words.
Tonight, we start Vacation Bible School 2024.  We have VBS every summer because of verses like this.  It is our responsibility as a church and as individuals to get the gospel to as many people has possible.  Over 1,000 gospel VBS invitations were delivered the past two Saturdays.  Praise the LORD for the labourers who were out in the fields.  Neighbours and friends have also been invited to come.  Please pray with me for God to honoured and glorified!