Our Scripture reading today is James 1:27, "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."
We as Christians are not to completely isolate ourselves from the world. It is true that we are not to be of the world while we are in the world. The best testimony we have is one that is as unspotted from the world as possible. "From the book of Genesis, Lot is an example of a man who was spotted by the world. He started living towards Sodom, disregarding the spiritual climate of the area because of the prosperity of the area. Eventually he moved to the wicked city and became a part of the city’s leadership. The end result was that Lot lost everything — and was saved as only by the skin of his teeth."
It is our duty and delight to live in such a way that shows the life changing power of God on our lives. The grace of God not only provides salvation, but it also provides sanctification. We are new creatures that have been bought with a price and we should steer as far away from the world as possible.