Our Scripture reading today is Luke 8:38-39.
Verse 39, "Return to thine house and shew how great things God hath done unto thee. And he went his way, and published throughout the whole city how great things Jesus had done unto him."
Did this man have a story to tell or what? He had a life changing event take place and he could not help but let others know about his meeting with Jesus. He wanted to follow Jesus on His journey, but Jesus had a better plan. This man had a testimony that needed to heard by his family and friends. This man could be a light to other Gentiles possibly in such a way that the disciples could not.
Each of us has a story to tell of how Jesus has changed our lives. Your story is yours and my story is mine. It is clear to me from this text and others that Jesus is concerned about individual people as much as He is about great crowds. He shows an example of the value of one! Your testimony is unique to you and can be used to encourage others to turn to Jesus Christ for salvation. The key is it must be shared with others.
Have a wonderful day!