Our Scripture reading today is Acts 14:3, "Long time therefore abode they speaking boldly in the Lord, which gave testimony unto the word of his grace, and granted signs and wonders to be done by their hands."
We are in great need of more boldness for Jesus Christ.  There is far too much timidity in the cause of Christ.  I am not referring to one's personality.  I am referring to how we approach our responsibility to give out the Gospel.  Every born again believer is commissioned by God to deliver the good news of people can be forgiven of their sins and be born again.  This is task is not something we get to choose whether or not we should do it.  If we are not actively delivering the Gospel then we are not following the Word of God.   It is also important that we are emboldened by the Spirit of God.  God's Spirit is the power behind our witness that brings about the conviction that leads to salvation.