Our Scripture reading today is Galatians 5:13-15.
Verse 15, "But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another."
The picture in verse 15 is of animals fighting it out for the title of king of the hill. It is a representation of supreme selfishness. Two selfish people will eventually consume one another. There is little to no love and plenty of me first thinking. We are not to use the liberty we have in Christ to benefit ourselves at the expense of others. “The loveless life is a life lived on the level of animals, with a concern only for oneself, no matter what the cost to other people.” (Morris)
A revival of selflessness would do our homes, churches, and workplaces a lot of good. Take time today to look for ways to serve people who are around you. Instead of making it about what you want, try and find out what others want or need. We ought to love our neighbour as ourself. “If you want to know how you ought to love your neighbour, ask yourself how much you love yourself. If you were to get into trouble or danger, you would be glad to have the love and help of all men. You do not need any book of instructions to teach you how to love your neighbour. All you have to do is to look into your own heart, and it will tell you how you ought to love your neighbour as yourself.” (Luther)