Our Scripture reading for today is Luke 24:28-29.
Verse 29, "But they constrained him, saying, Abide with us: for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent. And he went in to tarry with them."
What these men were hearing was reaching their heart. Yes, the day was about over, but I am sure they did not want the words that were coming forth from the Saviour to stop. The only way to keep Him speaking in their presence was to invite Him to stay with them. "It is a very strong word that, 'they constrained him'; it is akin to the one which Jesus used when he said, 'The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence.' They not only invited him, but they held him, they grasped his hand, they tugged at his skirts, they said he should not go." (Spurgeon)
Every day of our lives we have the privilege to spend time with the creator God. He is always waiting when we are ready. Every day we can open His Word and allow His Spirit to teach us what we need for that day. The wisdom we need to make decisions is found in His Word. The comfort we need in time of discouragement is found in His Word. We are so blessed to have such access to ALL we need. When you read our text from today, do you see that type of urgency in your walk with God? We must not overly compare, but it should motivate us.