Our Scripture reading today is Luke 9:12-14.
Verse 13, "But he said unto them, Give ye them to eat. And they said, We have no more but five loaves and two fishes; except we should go and buy meat for all this people."
After a full day of listening to the Lord Jesus teach, the people were in need of some physical nourishment. They were hungry! A command is given to the disciples to give the people something to eat. This would have been a challenge of faith and compassion. It was absolutely impossible to feed thousands of people with one little lunch.
I am reminded in this very famous miracle that when God asks us to do something, He will provide everything needed to fulfill the task. What is required of us is to have faith in the God Who never fails. Bible events are so important to our faith building. God is not done doing miracles! Do you really believe that? The more time we spend in His Word, the more our faith will grow. To God be all the glory!