Our Scripture reading today is Philippians 1:21, "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."
I had to do a double take when I looked in the devotional book and saw this verse.  Earlier this morning I opened the app (YouVersion) I use for reading in the morning and this was the verse of the day.  It always unwise to push off something God is emphasizing in one's life.  
The Apostle Paul is in Rome and is in prison.  He is writing to a group of believers in Philippi that are very dear to Him.  They, too, are facing persecution but in a different way.  Their persecution is from the religious crowd.  Paul is letting them know that his life revolves around Christ.  Christ is his life.  There are only a few short months and this verse will become a reality.  He will enter into the presence of his Lord.  This he referred to as gain.  Death meant Heaven.  Death meant no more thorn in the flesh.  All of this was possible due to the relationship Paul had with God through Jesus Christ.
Does your relationship with Christ revolve around your life?  It ought not be this way.  Your life should revolve around Christ.  He alone is worthy of our time, treasure and talent.  Take a look at your schedule.  It will speak as to whether or not Christ is your life.  Take a look at your bank account.  It will speak as to whether or not Christ is your life.  Take a look at your service for the Lord.  It will speak as to whether or not Christ is your life.
I was greatly challenged to do inventory of my life this morning.