Today’s Scripture reading is Isaiah 61:10-11.
Verse 10 - "I will greatly rejoice in the LORD..."
To rejoice means to continue to have joy. We know that joy is a fruit that the Holy Spirit produces in us. (Galatians 5:22) Since the Holy Spirit produces joy in us, we will never be lacking. While the joy is there, we still need to decide to rejoice. Notice the first two words of verse 10 - "I WILL". A choice was made to greatly rejoice. It goes back to a question of who is controlling my life - God's Spirit or my old nature? If I am Spirit filled, I will rejoice regardless of the circumstances of life. If I am allowing the old nature to come alive, I will find a way to complain no matter how good I have it. Possibly you have it heard it said, "To rejoice is a choice." As a follower of Jesus Christ, we have no reason to choose otherwise!