Our Scripture reading today is Matthew 5:3-6.
Verse 6, "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled."
This passage of Scripture is referred to as the Beatitudes (The Blessings). These were given by the Lord Jesus when He preached the Sermon on the Mount. The character traits taught here are to be strived for by every follower of Jesus Christ.
In a day when it seems right is now wrong and wrong is now right, the principles of God's Word are still the anchor we must live by. Truth never changes. The emptiness of soul can only be filled by the presence of God's Spirit. Once we are born again, God's Spirit indwells us and leads us to truth. He will cause us to hunger and thirst for doing what is right. The word, "hunger", in verse 6 describes something that is not satisfied by a mere snack. It is desirous of much more.
According to one writer, here is what it might look like when we hunger and thirst for righteousness:
1. A man longs to have a righteous nature.·
2. A man wants to be sanctified, to be made more holy.·
3. A man longs to continue in God’s righteousness.·
4. A man longs to see righteousness promoted in the world.
It is my prayer that each of us will set our sights on being filled the way Jesus preached over 2,000 years ago...hunger and thirst after righteousness!
Have a wonderful day!