Our Scripture reading today is Romans 1:28-32.
Verse 28, "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;"
The further someone walks away from God and His Word, the more willing they are to accept wrong as right and right as wrong. The reprobate mind is on full display in our society. What used to be hidden sin is now flaunted and accepted in our mainstream world. When God is pushed out, sin is welcomed in. “The human race put God to the test for the purpose of approving Him should He meet the specifications which it laid down for a God who would be to its liking, and finding that He did not meet those specifications, it refused to approve Him as the God to be worshipped, or have Him in its knowledge.” (Wuest)
We are reminded of the importance of protecting our minds and the minds of those whom we influence. Someone once said, "The mind is the devil's playground". I am no match for Satan's deception. I must be filled with the Spirit and armed with God's Word in order to have daily victory. While the context of this passage refers to unbelievers, we too, are susceptible to the wiles of the devil. There are far too many brothers and sisters that Satan has led away from the church. Tell the enemy your playground (mind) is under new management and he is not welcome!