Our Scripture reading today is 2 Timothy 3:16-17.
Verse 17, "That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."
God's Word will always take us from where we are spiritually to where we need to be.  It is capable of completing us in every area of our life.  Usually when someone is weak in an area of their walk with God it is because they have not been spending time in the Word.  Pastor Clarence Sexton used to say often, "Build your life on the Bible."  We must keep reading, studying, memorizing and meditating on the only book that is alive...God's Word.
A critic once wrote a letter to a magazine saying, “Over the years, I suppose I’ve gone to church more than 1,000 times, and I can’t remember the specific content of even one sermon over those many years. What good was it to go to church 1,000 times?” The next week, someone wrote back: “Over the past many years, I have eaten more than 1,000 meals prepared by my wife. I cannot remember the specific menu of any of those meals. But they nourished me along the way, and without them, I would be a much different man!”  The Bible will do its spiritual work in us if we will let it.